Server Time:


Top Rankings
NationWar ScoreTotal Score
1Procyon87,638 ↑ 100%175,276

Each win increases the War Score by 10 per participant.
Each loss increases the War Score by 2 per participant.
The dominant nation gets a 100% Total Score Bonus while leading.
Each nation gets daily rewards based on their Total Score.
Capella Procyon
Warlord 0 KM7MovE Warlord
Players 42 35 Players
Nation War
Wins 1,689 1,862 Wins
Losses 1,862 1,689 Losses
The Elite
Rank 2 None None Rank 2
Rank 3 None None Rank 3
Rank 4 None None Rank 4
Rank 5 None None Rank 5
Territory Access
Steamer 0/100 0/100 Steamer
Catacomb 0/100 0/100 Catacomb
Hellfire 0/100 0/100 Hellfire
Valley 0/100 0/100 Valley

Last Updated @ 04/23/2024 - 05:34 PM