Server Time:


Top Rankings
NationWar ScoreTotal Score
1Procyon89,510 ↑ 100%179,020

Each win increases the War Score by 10 per participant.
Each loss increases the War Score by 2 per participant.
The dominant nation gets a 100% Total Score Bonus while leading.
Each nation gets daily rewards based on their Total Score.
Capella Procyon
Warlord KM7StyleR KM7MovemenT Warlord
Players 29 50 Players
Nation War
Wins 1,795 2,028 Wins
Losses 2,028 1,795 Losses
The Elite
Rank 2 None KM7SkillS Rank 2
Rank 3 None None Rank 3
Rank 4 None None Rank 4
Rank 5 None None Rank 5
Territory Access
Steamer 0/100 0/100 Steamer
Catacomb 0/100 0/100 Catacomb
Hellfire 0/100 0/100 Hellfire
Valley 0/100 0/100 Valley

Last Updated @ 07/27/2024 - 07:27 AM